Prehistoric Life Wiki

Alamosaurus (al-ah-mow-sore-us) was possibly the largest dinosaur to ever live in North America. It lived during the Late Cretaceous in what is now the Ojo Alamo Formation.


Alamosaurus estimates vary. Some suggest it could grow almost as large or larger than the famous Argentinosaurus. However, more recent estimates suggest a significantly smaller, although still very large, size. In 2020, the largest Alamosaurus specimen was estimated to be 49 meters in length and 110,000 kg in mass.

As a relative of Saltasaurus, Alamosaurus might have possessed bony armor.

The living creature[]

Adult Alamosaurus probably had no natural predators. Large Tyrannosaurs would have been present in the formation, and possibly preyed on smaller individuals.


Aside from being one of the largest dinosaurs, Alamosaurus also lived during the Late Cretaceous, long after most North American Sauropods were extinct.
